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Cuong Nhu Martial Arts

Member Resources

Members of the Cuong Nhu Martial Arts Association have access to additional resources, such as curriculum, forums, newsletters, and historical documents.  You must be logged in to access these pages.

  Curriculum: An online guide to curriculum and rank requirements, including  both text and video resources. 

  Member Directory: Connect with other members by geography or interest, in a secure environment with individual privacy controls.

  Forums: Join in a wide range of discussions where members support each other, share ideas and resources, talk philosophy, and connect from around the world. 

  News and History: Browse an archive of past issues of Dragon Nhus, as well as photos, documents, and historical interviews from Cuong Nhu's origins. 

  Student and Instructor Resources: Log in and browse these pages to find a wide range of information for anyone training in martial arts, teaching, or running a school.

   Apply for funds from CNMAA: Heads of schools may apply for dojo matching funds or instructor travel reimbursement.