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Cuong Nhu Martial Arts

Register a Cuong Nhu Dojo

Join our international network of schools teaching Cuong Nhu Martial Arts.

Registering a new dojo requires approval from your Cuong Nhu instructor or the senior instructor in your region, as well as approval from the Head of Style. If your registration is approved, you will be able to log in and complete your Dojo Profile.

To register a dojo for the first time, choose a membership level (below), and fill out the membership form using the name of your dojo as First Name, with 'Dojo,' 'Academy,' 'School,' or 'Center' as Last Name.  For example,

First Name: Tallest Tree

Last Name: Dojo

The email address provided must be unique; that is, it cannot be the same as that of another member. If you are currently using your own email address to handle dojo inquiries, you will need to create a new email address for your dojo.

If you're here to renew your Dojo membership, first log in using your dojo's unique email address and password. If you're already logged in to your personal member profile, you will need to log out, then log in again using your dojo's credentials.

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* Membership level