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Cuong Nhu Martial Arts

Event Details

Black Belt and Dan Testing at IATC 2025

  • 05/22/2025
  • 05/26/2025
  • Raleigh, NC


Registration is closed

Register Here for Black Belt and Dan Testing at IATC 2025

Everyone who has tested for rank at Cuong Nhu's premier international training camp knows: There's no greater feeling than pushing yourself to excel, performing at your peak, and having the support of the entire Cuong Nhu community as you are promoted to your next rank.

If you have been preparing and are ready to be tested at IATC 2025, we encourage you to do it! If you will instead be testing at a local or regional event, don't register on this page; go HERE instead.

  • Testing for Sandan and above must be pre-approved by the Head of Style.

BEFORE you begin the registration process, make sure you have all the following items ready to upload (if changes are needed after you register, you will need to seek help from a website admin):

  • A letter of recommendation from your instructor or a senior instructor in your region
  • A completed Black Belt or Dan Rank information form, which should include a digital photo (head shot) of yourself
  • Your essay (if required)
  • Proof of First Aid/CPR certification
  • A completed Test Form for your rank
Test Forms may be downloaded HERE

    You will also need a method of payment such as credit or debit card (no payment necessary for Shodan testing). Your CNMAA membership must be up to date for you to register. If you can't access the options on the registration form, be sure you are logged in using the email address and password associated with your CNMAA account. If you still can't access them, check whether your membership is up to date, and renew if necessary.

    All documentation must be received at least ONE MONTH PRIOR to IATC!