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Cuong Nhu Martial Arts

iatc faqs

This Year's Important Info!

Some of the following info is based on 2024; check back for updates!

I'm attending this year! What do I need to know?
  • If you are driving  or catching an Uber, remember:  We are at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill this year, NOT at NC State in Raleigh!
  • If you're taking a shuttle from the airport ( Carolina Livery), see the Travel & Lodging page for instructions.
  • Check-in is in the South Tower of Granville Towers,  2100 Granville Towers Lane in Chapel Hill, NC.
    • NOTE: There will be a charge of $50.00 per lost room key (key fob), charged to the individual who loses their key (unfortunate, but true).
  • Meals will be in the Agora cafeteria, 1100 Granville Towers Lane, in the West Building.
  • Training will be in Woollen Gym, 300 South Road, UNC (NOT the same as 2024). We will provide a map with recommended routes from the dorm.
More about the dorms - and rules:
  • Linens will be provided:  this includes top sheet, bottom sheet, pillow & pillowcase, blanket, towel and if you need soap, you can request it.
  • There will NOT be a refrigerator in each room.
  • Alcohol is NOT permitted in common areas - it is ONLY permitted in dorm rooms.  This means no alcohol at the party in the cafeteria on Sunday.
  • There will be ABSOLUTELY NO underage drinking or excessive drinking. We have a good reputation at our IATC venues, and we intend to keep it that way.
  • Please be prepared to put trash bins & recycle bins you want emptied outside your dorm door so they can be emptied by the Granville Towers employees.
Our past performance of respectful behavior and cleaning up after ourselves at IATC has enabled us to repeat our camps at the NC sites over and over.  Thank you in advance for helping us maintain this reputation!

Is this your first time at IATC? Or maybe you’re just extra curious about all the details? Don’t worry. We’ve put together this list of Frequently Asked Questions to help you out!

Do I need to be a certain rank to attend IATC?

No! In fact, the earlier you are in your Cuong Nhu “career,” the more you can get out of training camp. Beginning students can truly get the most of out of it. You’ll learn lots of new things, make lots of new friends, and get a chance to see true Cuong Nhu Spirit in action. If you wait until your belt is a different color or has more stripes, you’ll kick yourself for not coming earlier.

What should I expect at IATC?

Sensei Tanner Critz of Unity (Gouitsu) Dojo in Little Rock compiled a great IATC Orientation document for his dojo. It summarizes much of what to expect, including what to bring. Download it here, if you want, and ask your instructors what they think you should know before you go.

I’m arriving early in Chapel Hill. What should I see or do while I’m there?

For those arriving in Chapel Hill, NC on Wednesday, you can choose to stay in our dorms Wednesday night for a minimal fee (choose that option when registering).  Many attendees will be arriving starting Thursday afternoon. If you’re looking for things to do in Chapel Hill on Wednesday or Thursday, we recommend checking out for ideas. Of course, you’re welcome to rest, relax, hang out and socialize at the dorms!

Can I send my kids without attending myself?

By themselves, no. With a designated chaperone who can take responsibility for their safety and well-being the entire time, yes.

You know your child best, and you should gauge their age and responsibility level before deciding if they are ready for an event like this. Many of the adults at training camp are parents themselves, and in general, we all like to look out for the well-being of the kids at training camp. Training camp is fun, but it isn’t a vacation… and the attendees aren’t babysitters, so it’s important that the chaperone accompanying your child to training camp be responsible. If you decide to send a child under 18 to training camp, make sure you’ve discussed it with your school’s instructor and informed them of who the chaperone is.

Can I register without a credit card?

Yes. If you don’t want to pay with a credit card when you register, the system will invoice you and you can pay by mailing a check to Master Jessica. If you are unable to register online - even without paying - please email Master Jessica at to request a printable registration form.

How many uniforms should I bring?

Plan to train hard, and get sweaty. We recommend bringing at least 2 uniforms. You must wear white for bow in and bow out, and everybody with a Cuong Nhu patch on their gi under the rank of black belt must wear white. Test candidates must also be in all-white.

If you’d like to wash your gi at training camp, coin-operated washing machines and dryers are available in the dorms.

Do I need to bring my own sparring gear?

Yes. Bring your own sparring gear and mouthpiece. Otherwise, you’ll miss out on all the fun of sparring class!

Do I need to bring my own training weapons?

If possible, yes. Other attendees are generally willing to share, but if at all possible, you should travel with your own training weapons. If you’re testing, then it’s especially important to bring your own weapons, since you’ll be most familiar with them.

Will boards be provided for board breaking?

If there’s a board breaking class, then the instructor will generally have some boards available for that class. But if you’re breaking boards during a test, then you are responsible for getting your own boards to training camp. Check out the testing page for info on boards that you can order and have delivered to IATC. PLEASE NOTE: You will be responsible for removing and finding a way to dispose of (or recycle) your broken boards afterwards!

Do I need to bring my own food if I have special dietary needs?

You’re welcome to bring (or purchase) your own food at training camp, but the cafeteria will have vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free options, and their staff will usually help answer questions for those with food allergies or intolerances (lactose, etc.).

Will water or water bottles be provided?

This year, a limited number of bottles of filtered water will be available, but it's also a great idea to bring your own refillable water containers that you can fill from the drinking fountains.

Is parking provided?

Yes. Parking is available at the dorms for those driving to IATC.

If someone is arriving on Friday or Saturday, who do they contact to check in and get their room key?

Granville Towers has a 24 hour check-in service (like a hotel). Whenever you show up, just go to the front desk and check in.

Is there WiFi access at training camp?

Yes. Free WiFi is provided at the dorms.

Where do we eat?

One of the great features of hosting training camp at UNC is that the cafeteria and our dorm rooms are in the same building! When it’s time to eat, just head for the dining room.

Do we share dorm rooms?

If you want to, yes. If you don’t, no. You can choose either “single” or “double” occupancy when you register for IATC, depending on whether or not you want a roommate. It’s more expensive to choose “single,” but that’s a good way to go if the additional privacy is worth it to you. If you choose “double,” you can choose your own roommate in advance, or get assigned one when you arrive.

What should I do if I lose my room key?

Granville Towers will issue you a card key upon check-in that will allow you to access your room. If you lose it, simply go to the front desk and ask for a replacement. You will need proper photo ID to prove that you are assigned to that room. If your photo ID is locked in your room, you will need to contact one of the members of the host dojos who can verify you at the front desk.

Can I still share a room if I don’t pick a roommate?

Of course! If you want to save money by choosing “double occupancy” but don’t have a specific roommate in mind, don’t worry. We’ll match you up with someone else, and try our best to match ages and “social” levels (how quiet you want your room to be). Lots of great Cuong Nhu friendships have started when people met as IATC roommates!

Where are the bathrooms in the dorms?

The Granville Towers dorm rooms are set up so there is one bathroom in between two dorm rooms. The doors lock on both sides, so don’t forget to unlock the adjoining room’s door to the bathroom when you’re done, or you could lock your neighbors out of their bathroom!

How far is it from the dorms to the gym?

Depending on how fast you go, it’s about a 10 minute walk… and there are plenty of people to talk to along the way!

Are there places to get food (or “drinks”) near the dorms?

The area surrounding the Granville Towers has many options within walking distance.

What do we do at night when there are no classes?

To quote O’Sensei: “In Cuong Nhu, we work out hard; in Cuong Nhu, we party hard!” Thursday evening we'll find our own dinner near the campus, then hang out in the dorm greeting our old friends as they arrive. Saturday night movie night is on the table (to be confirmed!). And on Sunday night, there’s the dance party to end all dance parties. There’s plenty of just sitting in the comfy chairs around the dorms and gabbing. We’ve never heard of anyone being “bored” at training camp. It just doesn’t happen!

What if I have other questions that aren’t answered here?

Please contact Shiwa dojo by emailing