Black Belt and Dan Testing at IATCEveryone who has tested for rank at Cuong Nhu's premier international training camp knows: There's no greater feeling than pushing yourself to excel, performing at your peak, and having the support of the entire Cuong Nhu community as you are promoted to your next rank. Testing at IATC takes place on Friday, and promotions take place on Sunday. Friends and families of the test candidates are encouraged to attend and show their support. Candidates must consult with their instructors and prepare well in advance for testing. All required paperwork and fees should be submitted at least one month in advance by registering on this site [coming soon], where further information is provided. If you have questions about your readiness, consult your instructors! If you have questions about your paperwork, contact Master Jessica Ngo via Sunday Afternoon DemosThe Sunday demonstrations are a highlight of every IATC weekend. Following promotions and awards, any and all IATC participants are invited to perform a demo in front of the other attendees and their families. A demo can be as simple or as elaborate as you want it to be. It can be set to music - or not. It should represent principles and techniques of martial arts, but it need not be purely Cuong Nhu. In the past, demos have included katas or techniques from many martial art styles. If you have a demo you’d like to share at this year’s training camp, please email Chris Perry, our Demo Coordinator, at, with the following information:
| Ordering Boards for Breaking If you are breaking boards - for a class, a demo, or for your test - you are welcome to bring your own boards. However, if you're traveling and would like to purchase boards to be delivered directly to IATC, we highly recommend using BreakingBoards of Vermont. The following info is subject to confirmation for 2025! You should order the 3/4″ x 11 1/4" x 11 1/4" boards. Do NOT order them online. Instead, call Gail at (888) 766-1198, tell them you’re with Cuong Nhu IATC, and will need to have your boards shipped to Granville Towers at UNC. You can also email Gail at All board orders must be made by May 9th to give them enough time to produce all our boards, package, and ship them to IATC on time. Your credit card will be charged as soon as you place your order, but the boards won’t ship to IATC until later. BreakingBoards can cancel your order and refund your card if you cancel before May 9th. Do not wait until the last minute. Any board orders after May 9th will not be included in our shipment, and will not arrive at IATC on time for testing. The company will ship all the boards to Granville Towers in Raleigh, and include “ATTN:” to the name of the purchaser on each box. Granville Towers will store the boxes upon arrival, and you can ask for yours when you check in. |
Skit Night
Each dojo will be allowed to perform one skit, until all dojos have had a chance, then we’ll allow second skits. Skit night generally starts around 7:30PM and winds down around 9:30PM, but those times can change depending on how many skits we have. We like to make sure the IATC wrap-up party starts by 10:00PM. As always, lame skits and tasteless jokes are expressly prohibited. Screening will take place ex post facto. If you’d like to perform at skit night, you can sign up that Sunday at IATC by tracking down Sensei Smack. |